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Valera Shoulder Strap
Livraison offerte dès $150 d'achats.
Garantie produit 2 ans.
Retour gratuit sous 30 jours.
Valera Shoulder Strap is designed to customize any Rains' bag with carabiner shoulder strap attachment.
Valera Shoulder Strap comes in two different colorways with a brushed silver metal hardware touch on the buckle attachment.
The detachable color detail brings a pop of contrast - and can be removed if you prefer a more subtle look.
The shoulder strap can be paired with any Rains’ bag that has carabiner shoulder strap attachment.
Valera Shoulder Strap comes in two different colorways with a brushed silver metal hardware touch on the buckle attachment.
The detachable color detail brings a pop of contrast - and can be removed if you prefer a more subtle look.
The shoulder strap can be paired with any Rains’ bag that has carabiner shoulder strap attachment.
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